Temporarily @ Nevitt Park: 6815 S 44th Way, Phoenix, AZ 85042 | (602)472-5918 [text or call] | BlackSunBoxing@gmail.com
Classes Monday-Thursday 6:00pm-7:00pm|7:00pm-8:00pm & Saturdays 9:00am-10:00am

We’ve Moved!

Located inside of Iron Martial Arts
1457 W Southern Ave, Suite 4
Mesa, AZ 85202

See our schedule and tuition

Many of you know we had a fire followed by some serious theft of thousands of dollars worth of equipment all during the tail end of a pandemic and a failing economy. Add to that the fact we had to shop for a new location during a massive population boom in the valley, and it’s a miracle we’re even still here.

We teamed up with Vinas Arñis and formed Iron Martial Arts as an official gym facility for each of our programs, and friends of the gym, to run in. This means you buy membership to the gym, and come to the classes you like rather than having to juggle memberships between training groups.

Massive thanks for everyone who donated to get us back up and running, and we hope to see you on the mats soon!