What is Wing Chun MMA?
Simply put: Wing Chun Kung Fu trained in the broad scope of mixed martial arts practice, cross trained with other arts, and yet still preserved as its own traditional art.
We live in a world that has moved beyond style-vs-style. The martial arts were forever changed by the UFC (and the internet!) by exposing strengths and weaknesses in different styles, and how combining arts to enhance strengths and cover weaknesses was necessary.
Are traditional martial arts still relevant?
Now, I love what we commonly call “traditional” martial arts. The history and culture of these arts just cannot be matched by modern combat sports. And the traditional arts fill a different niche too. They were designed during times of more strong arm robbery and assault. They were designed for pre-gunpowder militaries and militias. They were designed to protect home and person from bad faith actors.
We no longer live in such dangerous times, and military and law enforcement have less need of these manual skills. So it is important that we preserve the history, but it is also important that we allow them to evolve in our hands to modern needs for sport and recreation, as well, of course, as legal self defense.
This is OUR Wing Chun!

Join us for the Southern-Chinese boxing art of Wing Chun. We are proud to promote the the Ip Man lineage in Phoenix, Arizona. We abide by Sigung’s words that Wing Chun is for fighting, it is not a game. We train with serious intent toward ending any physical conflict quickly. Our practice is both classical and modern, in that we observe the intent and origins, but also adapt to scenarios not conceived by our elders.
Grandmaster Samuel Kwok is our Sigung.
Our family tree:
Ip Man
/ \
Ip Chun — Ip Ching
(^former)/ / \
Samuel Kwok — Ron Heimberger
\ /(^former, deceased)
Angela Minerva
Solomon Blake
Why Wing Chun?

Wing Chun occupies the middle-to-close range of hand to hand combat. It sits in the grey area between striking and grappling. With concepts like chi sau we stick to our opponent like a grappler, but we prefer to punish him with palm strikes, elbows, and punches. Our kicks tend to be low and economical, and contrary to popular belief, we do have abundant footwork.
Wing Chun is built on concepts like centerline, soft-hard-soft, and economy of motion. Efficiency and precision at close quarters.
Here at Black Sun Boxing, Wing Chun is our core, our heart, and sits squarely in the center of our practice, between the Kickboxing and the Catch As Catch Can Wrestling.
So if you want to be better than Bruce Lee, you can learn the WHOLE system with us in Metro Phoenix, and with the aid of our supplementary learning materials.
See our schedule and tuition.
1457 W Southern Ave, Suite 4
Mesa, AZ 85202