Temporarily @ Nevitt Park: 6815 S 44th Way, Phoenix, AZ 85042 | (602)472-5918 [text or call] | BlackSunBoxing@gmail.com
Classes Saturdays 9:00am-10:00am

2019 Dan Severn Wrestling Seminar

July 27, 2019

In 2009, I got to meet Dan Severn. It was my last cage fight in MI. I fought one of his students, and I lost spectacularly. I was outclassed, and it is my favorite loss because it was so clean. No interference from the referee or the corner. I just lost because he was better. And then I got to watch Dan fight the main event. It was great. Fast forward 10 years, and I’m in Arizona, and it turns out Dan vacations here. Here was running a seminar at a local karate school, so I went and met him again, and trained with him.

It was great, and afterward we got to talking, and when he found out I run my own school, he told me to contact him about a seminar. So I did, and we set it up. We had a small group, and got someone to come take photos for us since I can’t be trusted to snap a picture of anything but my cats.

Event Photos